Additional Info

The P31 near Comino, Malta probably is one of my favourite photo dive spots – it lies on just 18m max in a very protected space with great visibility and I have dived it countless times. My equipment had not changed since my last dive here, so I knew its capabilities and the perspectives and angles I could photograph. I carefully planned a shot and talked to my dad and dive buddy what I wanted.

The time came – and it did not work out quite how I wanted. My plans for the flash did not work out at all (the planned positioning was very wrong as it turned out – and no flash probably works better here anyways), I seemingly miscommunicated to my dad about what exactly to do and we forgot to turn on the lights on his camera.

Still I learned a lot about how to communicate my goals (and how not to!), and this shot still turned out well enough I think! (thank god I press the trigger button like crazy and my flashes have a bit of a recycle time so every other shot was without flash allowing me to salvage the shot) And there is always next time 😉

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