Hephaestus‘ Bow

Underwater Wideangle Wreck

Additional Info This photo was taken a week after the oil tanker MT Hephaestus was scuttled in Gozo, Malta. This was the first view I ever got of that wreck which I was very impressed by since it is still completely white! Download fullsize JPG

Lines of Hephaestus

Underwater Wideangle Wreck

Additional Info On the way back up from the Hephaestus I looked down and really liked the lines the Hephaestus drew beneath me, so I tried my best to center the shot (which is REALLY hard with nitrogen narcosis!) and tried to accentuate the structure in post processing. Download fullsize […]

Snorkeling with Dolphins

People Underwater Wideangle Wildlife

Additional Info After anchoring in Dolphinhouse on our way back to Hurghada a crew member spotted a dolphin and started snorkeling with it. We all jumped in a zodiac and were driven to the dolphin. Unfortunately the flashes on my camera were still charging since we were not supposed to […]

THE P31 Shot

People Underwater Wideangle Wreck

Additional Info The P31 near Comino, Malta probably is one of my favourite photo dive spots – it lies on just 18m max in a very protected space with great visibility and I have dived it countless times. My equipment had not changed since my last dive here, so I […]

Floating above the Carnatic

People Underwater Wideangle Wreck

Additional Info This image was shot on the Carnatic (hence the name :P) shortly before starting the ascent back to the boat. I was blown away by the colors this wreck offers and its wooden structure, which I tried to capture here. Download fullsize JPG

Exploring Cathedral Cave

Cave People Underwater Wideangle

Additional Info On this dive of Cathedral Cave we dived it in a single file line zigzagging upwards through the stone formations. I was one of the first in the line, so the people behind me passed between my lens and the entry of the cave. Eventually things alligned perfectly […]

Exploring P31

People Underwater Wideangle Wreck

Additional Info This picture was taken on the P31 Wreck lying near Comino, Malta while ascending to the safety stop. Looking down I noticed the cool perspective and the divers coming around were the icing on the cake. Download fullsize JPG